Linking Explained
- Linking connects a module on the K3AWS system to another repeater or reflector module.
- Linking is accomplished by applying the appropriate settings to your radio configuration.
- Reflectors have modules just like repeaters do, A, B and C.
- Once you have another repeater or reflector linked, you should return to CQCQCQ in UR call and the appropriate module in the RPT1 slot and K3AWS--G in the RPT2 slot (-- represents 2 spaces).
- K3AWS Gateway users are currently allowed to link to any other repeater or reflector.
- Link status may be determined at any time by clicking the K3AWS Gateway Status link at the bottom of these pages.
- To link to a reflector, set UR call to REFNNNML where NNN is the three digit reflector number, M is the reflector module and L is for Link. REF001CL will link to Reflector 001 Module C.
- Once linked, change UR call back to CQCQCQ.
- Once your QSO is complete, set UR call to -------U where ------- is 7 spaces and the letter U for Unlink.
- To link to another repeater module, set UR call to XXYXXXML where XXYXXX is the repeater call using spaces to fill any empty characters, M is the repeater module and L is for Link. KB3WNO-CL where - is one space would link you to the KB3WNO repeater, Module C.
- Please remember to unlink when you are done, although the system may automatically unlink after 15 minutes of no link activity.
- Unlinking when you are done is considerate of other users.
- We currently do not link automatically to any reflectors or repeaters, however this may change in the future.
- If you would like to suggest an automatic link to a reflector for a net or similar, please email the Gateway Admin Team at the email address on the Home page.
- DVDongles are supported via the DPLUS software. K3AWS utilizes the DPLUS software and therefore accepts direct connections from DVDongles or DV Access Points.