Script Commands for K3AWS - Enter as the last two entries in UrCall

To use them, place the two characters listed below in positions 7 & 8 of your UR.  For example: Set UR to K3AWS_AX   and ping the repeater.  You'll get a
/LMSG (text message) back with your reply.

__ __ __ __ __ __ A X

AX Activity check, report last local RF user via text message
BX Block/Unblock linking using /MCMD eg. /AON /BOFF (Admins only)
CX Check registration status and location last heard. For reg. & unreg'd users
DX Display gateway IP address. Great for gateways with ISPs using DHCP
HX Hardware status display, inc. volts, temperature etc. using lm_sensors**
IX Return link status information. Can also e-mail admin users' PDA
KX Unlink (kill) all links (obeys linking privileges in dplus.conf)
LX Link to last busy reflector, great for finding a QSO in the quiet hours
MX Message of the day, as set by local admin. Group web site etc.
OX Overview of all modules and linking status via multiple messages
QX Quote of The Day (random wisdom from G7LWT & NJ6N)
RX Random reflector link to one of 10 most recently busy reflectors
SX Shutdown gateway using one time PIN number in /XXXX field
UX Display server uptime and average CPU load
WX Request local weather summary (US)
